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Student Conduct Process Flow Chart


Student Conduct Process

Student gets an Administrative Resolution Meeting (ARM) Letter and attends ARM*

  • Outcome 1: As a result of the meeting, the Student Conduct Officer (SCO) finds there is a preponderance of evidence that the student violated the Standards of Conduct AND the student accepts responsibility. The student is found responsible and is assigned the appropriate sanctions

    • The student can appeal the outcome of their case or submit a Sanctions Reduction Request. This request must be submitted to the Center for Student Accountability, Growth, and Education (SAGE) within 10 days of receiving their Administrative Resolution Summary letter.

  • Outcome 2: As a result of the meeting, the SCO finds there is a preponderance of evidence that the student violated the Standards of Conduct BUT the student does not accept responsibility. The SCO will refer the case to a Student Conduct Review for the SAGE to coordinate.

    • If found responsible, the student can appeal the outcome of their case or submit a Sanctions Reduction Request. This request must be submitted to SAGE within 10 days of receiving their Administrative Resolution Summary letter.

  • Outcome 3: As a result of the meeting, the SCO does not find that there is a preponderance of evidence, the case is then dismissed

*If the student does not respond to the first ARM letter, they will be sent a second and final notice. If a student does not schedule or attend their ARM, their case will be adjudicated by the Student Conduct Officer, without the benefit of the student’s input, using the information available to them.

For more information, please visit our Policies, Process and Procedures page.

Download a three-page PDF version of this flow chart with its accompanying definitions and descriptions, and read frequently asked questions about the student conduct process.